About Us

We are a day school for pupils aged 2-19 years with a range of severe learning difficulties (SLD) including profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). We serve the community of Hammersmith and Fulham and accept pupils from a range of other boroughs. Pupils attending Jack Tizard School either have a statement of special educational needs and receive annual reviews, or they attend on an assessment placement. The school population consists of pupils from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

The school's goal is to enable each pupil to develop his or her full potential. A broad and balanced curriculum is provided that is differentiated to meet individual needs and which enables access to the National Curriculum. The ethos of the school is founded on the principle of respect for all regardless of gender, race, sexuality, social background, ability, nationality or religion. The contribution of every individual is valued equally. The school promotes the positive social inclusion of all its pupils by fostering community links and by raising the profile of the school within the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.


Head Teacher: Francesca Smith

The school day is from 9:10 am to 3:10pm.


School Uniform

We have an optional school uniform that consists of red sweatshirts, t shirts and cardigans for pupils in the EYFS and Primary Department and blue items for the Secondary and Post 16 students. For further information please contact the school receptionist.


Performance Data

Pupils at Jack Tizard School are exempt from standard testing, examination and assessment procedures and all cohorts are smaller than 10 pupils. We therefore do not publish performance data in order to protect pupils’ identities.



We will...


  •  Establish rapport, and respectful, trusting relationships with pupils, their families and their carers.
  •  Encourage the development of self-confidence, sensitivity and respect for others through the understanding of individual rights and responsibilities.
  •  Ensure positive inclusion of all pupils by fostering community links and developing the role of the school as part of the total educational provision.
  •  Provide a curriculum that is accessible and relevant to the needs of each individual pupil through a range of activities and opportunities which ensure that learning is fun.
  •  Encourage self-advocacy and independence.
  •  Generate attitudes of respect and understanding towards all individuals irrespective of background.
  •  Give emphasis to the quality of relationships between all people in the school.

Mission Statment

Jack Tizard is a positive, happy community which provides a life enhancing education, supporting each pupil to achieve their greatest potential, always.


What People Say

Who was Jack Tizard

Jack Tizard

Psychologist Jack Tizard was a New Zealander who spent most of his professional life in England.

He worked at the boundaries of psychology, medicine, education and social sciences along with alternatives to institutional care in the nineteen-fifties and sixties, which underpinned the subsequent development of ‘ordinary life’ models for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. His approach was characterised by a commitment to using high research standards to address important social problems, ensuring through his extensive advisory activities that the results of research were available to practitioners and policy-makers

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Mission Statment
